Read all about it! How to read a funding call

A version of this article first appeared in Funding Insight in July 2021 and is reproduced with kind permission of Research Professional. For more articles like this, visit

What to pay attention to when consulting call documentation

‘Make sure you read the call spec’ is one of the most frequently dispensed pieces of advice from grants managers and research offices alike. It might sound mind-numbingly obvious but, still, a not insignificant proportion of applicants to most funding schemes—especially the smaller ones—won’t have followed it and their chances of success will be slim to none.

While most applicants won’t make such an elementary error, it can still pay to unpack what following this apparently self-evident advice actually entails. Knowing how call literature is usually written and presented, what to look out for and how to read it can, in the final analysis, make the difference between your bid sinking and swimming.

Continue reading “Read all about it! How to read a funding call”

Professional development for research development staff: Group Coaching?

I’ve got an idea for a professional development programme for research development managers, and I’m interested to see if there’s (a) the appetite; and (b) the funding to make it work.

I’m a qualified coach, and I’ve experience with individual coaching, but also group coaching. I’ve also got around nineteen years of experience in research development, and I’m wondering about putting those things together and offering short programmes of group coaching for research development staff.

What would that look like in practice? Well, I’m still working on that, but roughly….

Continue reading “Professional development for research development staff: Group Coaching?”